
Showing posts from July, 2012

Android Manual Installation

Manual Installation Installing Mono for Android for Windows involves six steps: Step 1 - Install the Java JDK Download and install the Java 1.6 (Java 6) or Java 1.7 (Java 7) JDK.  The JRE is not sufficient.  The Android SDK requires the 32 bit JDK, that is, select "Windows" for your platform, not "Windows x64". Step 2 - Install the Android SDK Download the Android SDK from Google: Download Windows SDK installer (e.g. installer_r10-windows.exe) from: Run the installer. Run the SDK Manager after install. Install at least: Android SDK Tools, revision 16 or greater Android SDK Platform-tools, revision 10 or greater Install one or more SDK Platforms, such as: SDK ...

Installing for Android

Installation for Windows Installing Mono for Android on Windows Brief This article walks through the installation steps and configuration details required to install Mono for Android. By the end of this article, we will have a working Mono for Android installation integrated into MonoDevelop and/or Microsoft Visual Studio, and we’ll be ready to start building our first Mono for Android application. Overview The Mono for Android installer will automatically detect, download, and install any components required for completing the installation. This tutorial examines the installation and configuration steps required to install the Mono for Android platform and to get our development environment set up, including: Downloading the Installer Running the Installer Configuring our IDE Configuring any Additional Emulators Downloading the Mono for Android...

Working of Compiler

Working of a Compiler Compilation :  source code ==> relocatable object code (binaries) Linking :  many relocatable binaries (modules plus libraries) ==> one relocatable binary (with all  external references satisfied ) Loading :  relocatable ==> absolute binary (with all code and data references bound to the addresses occupied in memory) Execution :  control is transferred to the first instruction of the program Stages from Source to Executable   At compile time (CT), absolute addresses of variables and statement labels are not known. Here in this aritcle  , the compiling process is explained A compiler for a language generally has several different stages as it processes the input.   These are: 1.  Preprocessing During the preprocessing stage, comments, macros, and directives ...

Internet Nutshell

If you’re reading this article, it’s likely that you spend a fair amount of time online. However, considering how much of an influence the Internet has in our daily lives, how many of us actually know the story of how it got its start? Here’s a brief history of the Internet, including important dates, people, projects, sites, and other information that should give you at least a partial picture of what this thing we call the Internet really is, and where it came from. While the complete history of the Internet could easily fill a few books, this article should familiarize you with key milestones and events related to the growth and evolution of the Internet between 1969 to 2009. 1969: Arpanet Arpanet was the first real network to run on packet switching technology (new at the time). On the October 29, 1969, computers at Stanford and UCLA connected for the first time. In effect, they were the first hosts on what would one day become the Internet. The first...

Internet Timeline

Internet Timeline 1969 ARPA (Advanced Research Projects Agency) goes online in December, connecting four major U.S. universities. Designed for research, education, and government organizations, it provides a communications network linking the country in the event that a military attack destroys conventional communications systems. 1972 Electronic mail is introduced by Ray Tomlinson, a Cambridge, Mass., computer scientist. He uses the @ to distinguish between the sender's name and network name in the email address. 1973 Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) is designed and in 1983 it becomes the standard for communicating between computers over the Internet. One of these protocols, FTP (File Transfer Protocol), allows users to log onto a remote computer, list the files on tha...

History Of Internet

From its earliest beginnings on pages of paper and in brilliant minds, the Internet has always been an emerging technology and an emerging ideal. What follows is a selective and developing chronology of some of the most important events in the cultural and technological development of cyberspace and the internet. Primarily intended for interested readers without a technological background, this selective chronology seeks to present a brief narrative chronology of the technological innovation of the internet and its predecessors as well as accompanying consumer and cultural developments. Due to the ongoing nature of the internet and society, this chronology is a work in progress. 1960s-1970s: ARPANET: Commonly thought of as the predecessor to the Internet and created by the US Department of Defenses Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA). The first known fully operational packet-switching network, the ARPANET was designed to facilitate communication between ARPA comp...